Yesterday, I had been having a particularly difficult day. I was going through my work day with a heavy heart. While visiting with my last patient of the day, I shared my recent loss of our daughter with his caretaker, feeling it appropriate after she had shared with me about the reason for this person's disability. She looked at me and said with a sad look in her eye "I'm really shocked you came out and said that, I guess I imagine you would not want to talk about it." She then went on to say "If you ever want to feel like you're not alone, look up Blackstone Valley Angel of Hope." She briefly told me about what it stood for. So, when I got to my car, I looked it up on my phone and discovered it was right in Uxbridge, where I was. I drove to the address. To my surprise it was the very same park entrance I had noticed over the last couple of weeks and had, had a desire to see what was beyond the entrance but didn't take the time to stop as its entrance is chained off. Now to my understanding the chain is probably there because they don't want people to attempt driving in. So I pulled over on the curb and walked into the wooded area. It was a fair distance in before I saw this beautiful angel statue and the story that goes along with this memorial garden.
Walking around the garden, reading the stones that have been donated by parents in memory of their child, I felt sad, yet as the woman had said "not alone". It makes me horribly sad to be part of the group of people who knows what it's like to lose a child, but at the same time, I am filled with a sense of HOPE. The word hope as a verb means "to look forward to with reasonable desire and confidence". It is very clear to me at this time in my life that I have never had as much hope for anything in life as I do now. I hope for the future I have in heaven with my daughter and other loved ones'. Also, in finding this garden area, I was reminded how much God cares for me, that during a day which I was feeling extra sad, he cared enough to lead me to this very special place. We don't have to ask, He provides just what we need at just the right time- even if we can't understand his timing.
"His Spirit searches out everything and shows us even God's deep secrets. No one can know what anyone else is really thinking except that person alone, and no one can know God's thoughts except God's own Spririt. And God has actually given us His Spirit (not the world's spirit) so we can know the wonderful things God has freely given us. But people who aren't Christians can't understand these truths from God's Spirit."- 1Corinthian's 2:10-12, 14
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