Sunday, March 24, 2013

Proverbs 30:1

"I am weary, God, but I can prevail." Proverbs 30:1

Last night, I brought up the subject of moving or re-locating the clothes we had for Olivia. They still remain in the closet and drawers in Cole's room (would have been their room together). Although we really haven't bought anything for Nathaniel, my desire to clean and organize has kicked in since Spring has officially begun, and I know we will need the space in the room. I have thought about it, off and on, but instantly seem to shut the idea down. I don't intend to get rid of her things yet as we aren't emotionally ready. We talk about wanting to donate or give them to someone who needs them, but that thought gets shut out too. Seems silly huh? Well it's a very real thought and emotion and it's painful.
We talked about it for about two minutes before I was in tears and Isaac gave me his thoughts of not wanting to do it either. Neither one of us even has the ability to look at those things and the thought of moving them out of the room is heart wrenching.
So, now I am left with the mission of figuring out what to do with her clothes and how and when will the right time be. I try to think of it as, "well every person who loses a loved one has to eventually get rid of the clothes." but then I think "yes, but having to get rid of clothes for a baby you had big dreams for, who you never even got to put in clothes seems a little different and a little bit unfair and not the way things should go." Yes, these are my thoughts, all over clothes.
I do know keeping them where they are is not going to change anything, it's not going to bring our daughter back. It's as if simply moving them from the room that she would have shared with her brother is making it more permanent.
So, for now the clothes will stay where they are...

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